Pegue o MicroWorlds Web Player


Líder Mundial Tecnologia Educacional Construtivista


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LCSI recebeu um total de 23 prêmios. Os mais recentes são...

2004 "2004 Awards Portfolio" Media & Methods (Enriched Math)

2002 Districts' Choice Top 100 Products Award" - District Administrator Magazine (Journal Zone)


"Reconnu d'intérêt pédagogique, (R.I.P.)" by the Minister of National Education of France for MicroWorlds Pro (French version) as a tool of pedagogical interest.

1997   "Teachers' Choice Award" - Learning Magazine, (MicroMundos)

"Developmental Software Award," - Problem Solving: 8-12 anos, (Minha Ilha de Fantasia)


1996   "The 1996 Parents' Choice Award," Parents' Choice Foundation (Meu Castelo de Fantasia)Trophy

"Child's Best of the Year Software Award," - Creativity (3 a 6 anos) Child Magazine (Meu Castelo de Fantasia)

1995   Silver Medal Winner "Best Elementary Software," Educational Computing & Technology, Great Britain (MicroMundos)


1994   "Award of Excellence," Technology & Learning (MicroMundos)